Thursday, November 21, 2019


This means an important file can be easily deleted from the shared folder and untraceable. The log files does not show the files are deleted, other than showing the files that are accessed. Instantly NetShareMonitor will play music and starts blinking indicating an attempt to access your shares. NetShareMonitor can also keep a detailed text log of all sessions and file accesses. Net Share Monitor showing all the 'Accessed Files' by remote users. netsharemonitor

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As far as accessed files are concerned, NetShareMonitor displays the path, user name, date and time of access, together with the access type for each file.

Rohit 3 years ago. Net Share Monitor showing all the 'Accessed Files' by remote users. This definitely does what it says.

NetShareMonitor - monitor network share access

Although the latest version 3 of ShareWatcher is shareware and its free version is heavily crippled, version 2 which is a year older can be used without limitations or nag screens. We have not come across any problems throughout our tests, as NetShareMonitor did not hang, crash or show errors. NetShareMonitor is a free and portable tool to watch your shared folders. Settings button top-right side allows you to control various settings as shown in the screenshot below.

Another update would be to add new up-to-date ways if they exist in addition or substitution. NetShareMonitor is an ultra-simplistic Windows application that gives you the possibility to protect files and documents shared over the network.

The second someone would access my shared folder, I would see the session and accessed files from tabs, very cool. Digg This - Slashdot This In Brief Monitor your shared folders from intruders and protect your system against network viruses. Demo 20 Jul Fixed few minor bugs.

Network Share Monitor - Free Network Shared File Monitoring Software |

Overseer supports monitoring multiple types of resources. The tool shows accurate details and leaves a small footprint on system resources. Shareware 20 Jul Home Freeware Networking Network Monitoring. The Network Monitor II wired and wireless will show your SSID, signal quality, Internal IP address, External IP address with your country flag when you are connected to the internet, network utilization, netxharemonitor speed, download speed and total both current Here are few easy steps to get you started.

Read the full changelog.

NetShareMonitor 3.5 Details

I will definitely be keeping this one. As expected, the software utility had minimal impact on computer performance in our tests, thanks to the fact that it required low CPU and RAM to work properly.

Whenever any remote user accesses your Shared Files, NetShareMonitor alerts you by blinking the icon in the systray or making the alert sound. The log files does not netsnaremonitor the files are deleted, other than showing the files that are accessed.


Last updated 5 years ago but works on Windows 7. It helps you to keep a watch on your Wi-Fi network and safe guard it from Hackers as well as NetShareMonitor is the application to watch your shared files from the intruders and thereby protecting your shares from unauthorized access. WiFi Network Monitor is the free tool to remotely scan and discover all the systems connected to your Wireless network. The software utility lets you select any entries from the list and copy them to the Clipboard by netsharemoniitor the right-click menu, refresh information, as well as export the report to file for further evaluation.

Novell is now a part of Micro Focus.


What's new in Portable NetShareMonitor 3. Swapnil 6 years ago. Protect your system from network virus Most of the viruses spread by exploiting shared folders on the network. Now double click on system tray icon to see details about current session and accessed files.

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